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  1. Desperately Seeking Arugula

    Desperately Seeking Arugula

    Courtesy of Roxanne C., Philadelphia PA Arugula is one of those crossover crops that went from niche to mainstream. It found a fanatical following back in the late 90’s when it was the mark of distinction for artisanal farmers, and a symbol of enlightened eating among foodies. Over time it...

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  2. # 1 Priority in Year # 1

    # 1 Priority in Year # 1

    Courtesy of Wally S., Wally’s Market Garden, Pleasantdale, SK If my email is any indication, 2019 might produce another bumper crop of new farmers. Those who are finding their way to me for advice come well-equipped with best practices and lengthy to-do lists. Very little of it has to do...

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  3. Use Your Natural Advantage

    Use Your Natural Advantage

    A big benefit of backyard farming is that you can make the same level of income as traditional farmers, but eliminate their expensive and sometimes environmentally harmful practices. Take pest management. A lot of the concern about the safety and quality of our food is because of pesticides. Backyard Riches...

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  4. Farming in Plain Sight

    Farming in Plain Sight

    Courtesy of Roxanne C.,Philadelphia PA The beauty of SPIN-Farming is that it can use spaces that are not suitable for traditional farming. Any remnant of land that measures at least 1,000 sq. ft. can contribute enough production and revenue to be worth a farmer’s time. So when you put on...

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  5. Weeding Jujutsu

    Weeding Jujutsu

    Courtesy of Wally S., Wally’s Urban Market Garden, Saskatoon SK Perennial weeds come in all shapes and sizes. Some are more controllable than others. In sub-segment size areas under 500 sq. ft. you can take try the Terminator approach to eradicate them completely to keep the plot in production. Larger...

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Reviews Backyard Riches
5/5 stars based on 22 customer reviews

Seed to Cash enables you to earn a living on land you don't own. I grossed enough to replace a full time job in my first year, with no prior growing experience.