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Companion Planting is Good Business

Courtesy of Wally Satzewich, Wally’s Urban Market Garden, Saskatoon, SK

Companion planting is a gardening practice that dates back a long time. Traditionally, its purpose was to boost plant health or yields by growing certain plants together. SPIN-Farming puts that practice to use in business. As SPIN farmer John Greenwood of JNJ Farms writes in the forum, “I can’t imagine a single crop for the whole season. Even my tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and squash are interplanted into beds of lettuce, radish, spinach and turnips. That way, I can still be selling cool season crops while the next crop is growing in the same spot.”

I have used companion planting in plots where I am growing crops like cucumbers or winter squash that need wide row spacing. I can easily harvest a quick growing short season crop such as arugula or microgreens, in between the rows. This spin on companion planting can greatly boost your units of production per bed and per segment, as well provide for consistent extended season production that’s needed to support a business. Sometimes good old common sense can also be turned into dollars and cents.

SF photo companion planting what would you plant here

What would you grow in between this planting of winter squash to boost your revenue?


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