Growing Vegetables Almost Anywhere, for Profit!

Growing vegetables is something you can do almost anywhere. You don’t have to live on a farm out in the country. You don’t have to own much, or any land. You can use a friend’s or neighbor’s backyard, a community garden plot, or a vacant lot if your city or town has an urban farming program (more and more do because they are recognizing the need to build up local food production) Either way, you can use your space to grow fresh and healthy vegetables which can earn you a surprising amount of income.


Growing Vegetables for Beginners

Even if you are just getting started, growing a garden doesn’t take much skill. Ultimately, the seeds and plants know what to do—you just need to be there to support them with a little bit of care.

One of the best pieces of advice that new garden growers can heed is to start small. You can plant fast-growing vegetables that will provide you with excellent results very quickly. Keeping it simple with just a couple of plants ensures that you don’t get in over your head and that you like what you are doing.


What’s a Vegetable Garden Worth in Dollars?

Based on our 15 years of training food gardeners to grow for profit, we can answer that for you. In fact, we’re offering a free food calculator so you can figure it out for yourself!

Reviews Backyard Riches
5/5 stars based on 22 customer reviews

Seed to Cash enables you to earn a living on land you don't own. I grossed enough to replace a full time job in my first year, with no prior growing experience.