Vegetable Garden Plans

Have you ever thought about starting a garden but you just aren’t sure how to get it planned out? Do you wonder what vegetables to grow and where to put them? Creating vegetable garden plans as a tool are helpful in getting a handle on how to plan your garden out.

There are several helpful vegetable garden planners out there to be found, and some are even free. But most of the things you really need to know in order to plan your garden are fairly simple ideas that can be written as a list and sketched out on paper with even the most basic of drawings skills.


Plan your Location

Choose a space that is sunny at least 6-8 hours per day. Of course, if you have a small yard, your choice of space might be limited. Do avoid areas in the ground that are fighting against tree roots, because the plants won’t win—the tree roots will. If you have the opportunity to use raised beds in your location, that can help with fighting against weeds and pests. For a proven system such as Seed to Cash, you’ll only need about 100 square feet of space in order to plant a garden that can yield a great profit—even $200 in just two weeks!


Plan your Space

Once you’ve decided what you want to plant, you’ll need to determine where to put it. If you are just beginning, then the simplest way to go is by starting out with just two crops. This allows you to start out simply and then add more crops in later as you find you have the capacity and know-how to do so. For small space or backyard gardening, choosing crops that do not take up much space is helpful. You do need to give your vegetables enough room so that their roots don’t get entwined and begin to choke each other out. Check on the seed packet of the crop you choose for the best advice.


Plan for the Harvest

The timing of planting your crops depends on the weather as well as the expected time when you want to harvest. Although you can’t tell exactly when your crops will be ready, you can get a general idea ahead of time simply by understanding your local growing season. If you want to have a harvest that lasts throughout the season, choose crops that will continue to grow new vegetables throughout the season (like tomatoes), as well as crops that allow for cutting and re-growth (such as lettuces).


A program such as Seed to Cash will give you the peace of mind of using a proven system that will allow you to be confident about your vegetable garden plans. Not only will Seed to Cash provide you with the seeds and information you need, but you’ll have online access to experts who have working gardens or urban farms themselves. They can answer questions for you, and help you get started on a profitable vegetable garden plan.

Reviews Backyard Riches
5/5 stars based on 22 customer reviews

Seed to Cash enables you to earn a living on land you don't own. I grossed enough to replace a full time job in my first year, with no prior growing experience.